Sunday, June 9, 2013

TaraElla Joins Gaga and Kelly Osbourne Fued on Gay Rights

There has been a fued going on between Kelly Osbourne and Lady Gaga for some time now, for those who don't already know. Recently, Kelly has brought the question of gay rights and being a good ally into the fued, accusing Gaga of "feeding on the freaks and geeks" to further her career.

Now TaraElla, another keen ally on gay rights, has put her own perspective on the issue. In her latest article, she wrote that Lady Gaga's main weakness on the gay rights front was that she was "not exactly an example for family values". "The gay rights movement is currently all about family values and family rights for gays. The way Gaga acts reduces her credibility on those issues," TaraElla said.